WE ARE constantly being lectured by the Conservative-led Government about how “we’re all in this together”, “everyone needs to tighten their belts” and “tough decisions need to be made”.

That is unless you’re a Tory councillor towing the party’s national line on massive cuts to local government yet opposing every decision taken locally by the council to deal with them.

Coun Paul Doughty’s opposition to closing Towthorpe tip on its quietest day of the week, despite consultation showing two-thirds of residents in favour, firmly places him alongside his colleagues in lacking any credibility and adopting a stance of opposition for opposition’s sake.

He also opposes charging residents for extra green bins, again despite a large majority in support and almost 90 per cent of residents being unaffected.

We are doing what residents have told us they want us to do, and will continue to pursue a policy of a 50 per cent recycling rate by 2020 and remaining a top-performing recycling authority, while dealing with the cuts his party are making to our city.

Such a common-sense approach should gain the support of any responsible opposition.

Coun Joe Riches, Holgate ward (Labour).